Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Witch Hat Wednesday!

Too bad it's not a Friday! It would be a knee slappin, toe tappin hellova day! (excuse me, my southern is showing) ;) Not much went on today, besides it being pleasantly cool, and perfect hoody weather...... mmmmm.... hoody... I love you! I live for the days where I can wear a hoody. The sky was a perfect overcast with tiny open spots allowing the sun to spit through every now and then. The kid I watch and I went to the park and enjoyed a nice picnic and then went leaf and acorn hunting. We didn't score too much. Seems the squirrels had eaten most of what had hit the ground :( But oh well, better luck this Saturday when we go to a different park.

So today I made my hat! One a Wednesday at the least, two a week is I'm feeling frisky. ;) So this week I used some material that has a vintage feel. I was excited to finally use some of it. I've had it for over a year and I bought a yard and a half of it because it was on super clearance at Joann's Fabrics. I was going to shoot for a romantic Victorian feel. But after making it and putting it on it really reminds me of a rustic farm girl. lol. Suits me I guess. So I present to you, Rustic Days.

I know, the name needs some work. But it's almost midnight, I'm tired, and I'm having a brain fart. As for the hat, it's not too bad. I might redo the ribbons with something a bit more rustic. But for the moment the point is to make the hats out of what I already have in my stash. And that's all the white ribbon I have. I have tulle but I don't think it's a tulle kind of hat. Oh, and I'm out of interfacing as well. So I had to use my SUPER interfacing. It's the really strong stuff used for really
heavy duty projects. I had bought it to use for interfacing in a pair of boots I was fixin to make. But I haven't got up the nerve to draft the pattern for them yet. Much like the bloomers I've been meaning to sit down and make all week. I really need to get off my bum, huh? lol. One of these days. I'm hoping tomorrow to take pictures of the hat's I've made so far during the day so that the lighting is better and not just my camera flash. Wish me luck!


  1. I like it, rustic farm girl, very nice suits my style too!

  2. I too love the country look, I now looking forward to seeing your hats each wednesday.

    I have also passed 3 blog awards on to you, if you would like them visit this page to pick them up xx
