Monday, March 21, 2011

Time flies, I tell you! Time flies!

So, once again, time has slipped and it's been over a month since I've been able to get my butt back on here. Good news is that I am officially done working overnights for Job 2. I was literally getting about 3 hours of sleep in the morning and 1 or 2 hours of a nap at night before I had to go in. That was murder!! But now, I am back working just day. I won't rant about how I got tricked into working overnights. That's another story I wish to bi-pass. Something interesting though, I did TRY to quit on Thursday. Emphasis on TRY. A lot of things happened and to keep it sweet and simple I'm still employed there with the promise that they are going to try and make things better. We shall see. I've changed a lot as a person the past few years. At one point I would have sucked it up and let the place abuse me but now, I think I've lost my filter. You know the one that tells your mind hey maybe you should use that word, or that tone of voice. Nope, it's all gone. At least when people run out of chances. It can be a good and bad things I guess. I'm not rude or bitchy unless someone is that way to me first. I think life has just thrown so much at me the past few years I've gotten to the point where you will definitely hear what I have to say. lol.

So on another note, I suppose everyone saw the SuperMoon? I did but it wasn't so super. I think I missed the big show earlier in the afternoon. I didn't get to get an eye on it until about 11pm. It was pretty bright though. I opened my blinds and the kitty and I basked in the moonlight as we slept (that's our version of a full moon ritual. lol). I just love how this year has been so full of events. There was a Lunar eclipse on Yule, we had a SuperMoon on Ostara, What's next? Hello moon power, welcome, why don't you stay a while!

Speaking of Ostara, I hope everyone enjoyed the day. I most certainly did! Ostara and my Birthday aligned this year. So I most certainly made some Birthday wishes that counted. I spent the day with my mom and we partook in some retail therapy. Not much, for us it's not about the buying so much as it's about getting out the house and just being around people. lol. We're so special, I know. Although we did hit up the smell goods store and I even got a chance to visit the Disney Store. :D EXCITEMENT!! lol. And We ended the day with dinner with the rest of the local family and my two besties. I came home to my kitty and we did some birthday magic. I also baked some Ostara bread that I feed to the birds outside and planted some seeds for my garden. I'll do a separate post about all that I think. It'll allow you to view that instead of my ramblings, if you please lol.

So yes, overall, awesome sabbat! awesome birthday! awesome supermoon! And this morning started with a good ole fashioned rainstorm. Spring is definitely here! Hopefully it will bring about some much needed changes in my life. A girl can dream right?


  1. happy belated birthday! *huggs*

  2. Happy birthday and congratulations on quitting your job. It doesn't matter if you're still there, it's still good to do it. I quit one job three times before I finally walked away on the fourth try!

  3. Ah! I missed the Supermoon and your birthday! Well, Feliz CumpleaƱos anyway. :) And I'm glad you had a good Ostara. I kind of forgot about it. But Beltane is coming up and I feel like I'll be using it to catch up. :P
